Sunday, June 28, 2009

Doing Some Family Fishing

Last week we met Preston John(brother-in-law) and his kids at this park to do some fishing. I sat in the lawn chair watching the sun go down and of course watching my kids to make sure they didn't fall in, get hooked, or touch the stinky water. Stella for sure got her feet in.
The beautiful sunset
Briley sitting very patiently waiting for a bite
Jude again was not allowed out of the stroller. Poor kid is use to it though.
Stella just doing her dance. Not to interested in fishing.
Izzy was a little frustrated that she was not catching anything. I think my kids were not loving it. It was something they had to wait for, which never came.
Ned and the pro fisherman Preston.

Wild Animals

We had dinner at my sister-on-law Gingers house a couple of weeks ago. While we were there we found a wild baby rabbit. All the kids had to take turns holding it. My kids are in heaven when ever we go over to the John's house because they always have some crazy pets. That animal with Jude is their pet rat. It's pretty gross if you ask me. They have dogs, goats, horse, and a tank filled with fish, frogs and crawdads. Now can you see why my kids are in heaven.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting Pampered

For Easter, the bunny left the girls gift certificates to get their toes and nails decorated. The loved every minute of it. Briley chose a red color with white flowers. She looked gorgeous.

Izzy asked if they could get this done all the time. Just like only once a month. Wouldn't that be nice. She chose a hot pink color with black flowers, believe it or not. She was so excited how they turned out.

Beautiful Peaches

One afternoon we were driving by a farmers market not to far from our house and saw a sign that said "pick your own peaches". So we stopped and let the kids each pick a bag full. They loved picking them and trying to find the biggest one. They were just how I like them. Very hard and crunchy.

Jude just got to mostly watch, but stilled enjoyed it.
Stella was grabbing every peach she could reach wether it had bugs in it or not.
Briley did a good job finding the perfect peach.
Izzy found some good ones too.
Trying to get a group shot. It was hard to keep everyone still when chickens were running around us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stella's Preschool Graduation

Stella graduated from her first year of preschool. She loved going and learned so much. I still get asked everyday if she has school today. Sorry Stella not until summer is over.
She made a cute little graduate.
Stella and her best bud Sophie
Her cute book of stuff the did in school. She wants to be a ballerina when she grows up.
Stella and Mrs. Rosie her favorite teacher in the world.

Women's conference

I had the chance to attend Women's Conference this year. I have never been before and I had a good time. I made lots of new friends. Stayed up late visiting and going to movies and also attended some classes. Thanks to the Worthen girls for inviting me.
Temple Square before we were catching our flight to go home.
This is most of the ladies that all went. (we are missing two)
Me and Courtney attending one of the classes.

Izzy's Day

Izzy turned 10 and had a party with her family. She enjoyed everything she got. We sure are glad that Isabelle joined our family. We love her very much and love her crazy personality. She brings a lot of fun to the family. Happy birthday Izzy.
Her new bike. Thanks to Amy and Jack who were getting rid of it. I told Izzy if she didn't want it than I would take it for my bike.
She gets to teach herself to play guitar