My parents took the kids to the Arizona State Fair. I took the kids out of school early on Friday and headed out to the fair. We had a good time and loved being in that atmosphere. The girls and Jude were so excited when we walked in. All the rides, food and games were so exciting to see. Papa treated them to corn dogs, cotton candy and unlimited rides and games.
Walking up to the fair.
I thought this looked so good.
Jude didn't know what to do with it. He kept tearing it off and throwing it on the ground. Once we put a piece in his mouth, he realized that he really did like it.
Stella, Jude and me in the background.
Waiting in line to ride the bumper cars.
Izzy and Stella
Briley and Jude. Briley was so sweet to let him drive.
Stella in the rocket ship. The other girls are on a ride that Stella was too small to ride.
The girls wanted a picture with a llama. This one looked pretty nice.