HAPPY BIRTHDAY NED Its a Opfel birthday party. Tired from partying so hard.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Making the big move to Arizona. After the big haircut. I got one cute boy. The haircut makes him look so much older. He is nine months now.
Before the much needed haircut.
Ned's graduation. He was such a smarty that he graduated with honors. His mom drove down for it. Our good friends made a lei (not sure how to spell it) for Ned to wear. They are so nice. When they called his name he came running out (nerd) His family sure was proud of him.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Isabelle's 9th birthday party. She had a big turn out to a place called Sand Hollow which is a indoor swimming pool. A good time was had by all.
We saw a few sites before we left St. George. "In and out" was excellent. Jude loved the french fries Jacob Hamblin home. Everyone was thrilled to be there. Some Dixie thing with everyones names on it who helped find it.
Enjoying a day in the sun in St. George. Jude loved it too. Isabelle was in her school track meet. 3rd in her heet. She was happy. Stella being her usual goofy self.
Briley was a great goalie at her soccer game. She did very good and ran hard. now it is Izzy's turn to be goalie. They were on seperate teams, so I was driving to games quite a bit. She also was a good little soccer player.